![]() |
Address: |
5901 Laurel Avenue, Minneapolis, Minneapolis 55416, USA |
Education: |
Hadassah Hospital Medical School, |
Degree granted: |
M.D. |
Acute appendicitis in the elderly, [Doctoral Thesis], 1974. 2.
Ferguson RP, Rubinstien E. Preoperative medical consultations
in a community hospital. J Gen Intern Med 1987;2:89-92. 3.
Rubinstien E, Ballow M. Isolation of
monocyte-depleted and monocyte-rich fractions from human mononuclear cells. J
Clin Lab Immunol 1989;30:35-39. 4.
Rubinstien E, Klevjer-Anderson P,
Smith CA, Drouin M, Patterson JE. Enterobacter taylorae,
a new opportunistic pathogen: report of four cases. J Clin
Micro 1993;31:249-254. 5.
Gilden DH, Beinlich BR, Rubinstien EM, Stommel E, Swenson R, Rubinstein D, Mallingam
R. Varicella Zoster Virus myelitis: an expanding spectrum. Neurology
1994;44:1818-1823. 6.
Rubinstien E, Dehertogh D, Brettman L. Severe necrotizing soft-tissue infections:
report of 22 cases. Conn Med 1995;59:67-72. 7.
Rubinstien EM, Bongiorni TM, Madden
GM, Lyons RW. Testing of HIV-seropositive minority women. AIDS Reader
1996;6:22-28. 8.
Rubinstien EM, Madden GM, Lyons RW. Active tuberculosis in
HIV-infected injecting drug users from a low rate tuberculosis area. J AIDS
& HR 1996;11:448-454. 9.
Skiest DJ, Rubinstien E, Carley N, Gioiella
L, Lyons R. The importance of comorbidity in HIV infected patients over 55: a
retrospective case-control study. Amer J Med
1996;101:605-611. 10. Agraharkar M, Klevjer-Anderson
P, Rubinstien E, Galen M. Use of Cefazolin for peritonitis treatment in
peritoneal dialysis patients. Am J Nephrol
1999;19:555-558. |
Lee NK, Slavin JD, Spencer RP,
Rubinstien E. "Speckled" radiogallium images in disseminated
Mycobacterium fortuitum skin infection. Clin Nucl Med 1992;17:226-227. 2.
Rubinstien E, Slavin J. Thymic
abscess with bacteremia and manubriosternal pyarthrosis
in a geriatric patient. Chest 1993;103:962-964. 3.
Rubinstien EM, Lehmann T. Sternal osteomyelitis due to
Mycobacterium tuberculosis following coronary artery bypass surgery. CID
1996;23:202-203. PUBLICATIONS
Contributing Author. Greater Hartford HIV Action Initiative.
HIV care: comprehensive guidelines for providers, 1993. 2.
Editor. Outpatient management of HIV/AIDS for the Primary Care
Physician. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th editions, Hartford, Connecticut:
Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Section, Saint Francis Hospital and
Medical Center, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998. |
Benign superior vena cava syndrome of more than 30 years
duration - a case report. American College of Chest Physicians, Annual
Meeting, Newton, Massachusetts, USA, 1985. 2.
Rubinstien E, Slavin J. Thymic
abscess (Staphylococcus aureus) presenting as acute substernal chest pain.
American College of Chest Physicians, 56th Annual Scientific Assembly,
Toronto, Canada, 1990. 3.
Drouin M, Smith C, Rubinstien E, Lyons R. Open heart surgery
associated infections and the significance of post-discharge follow-up.
Association for Practitioners in Infection Control, 18th Annual Conference
and International Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 1991. 4.
Lyons RW, Rubinstien E, Madden GM. Life expectancy and
hospitalization of AIDS patients with CD4 count less than 50 cells/mL in an innercity hospital. XI International Conference on AIDS,
Vancouver, Canada, 1996. 5.
Agraharkar M, Klevjer-Anderson
P, Rubinstien E, Galen M. Should peritoneal dialysis related peritonitis be
treated with Cefazolin empirically? Seventh Annual Spring Clinical Nephrology
Meetings, Nashville, TN, 1998. ABSTRACTS
Lyons RW, Krisiunas E, Madden G,
Rubinstien E, Smith C, Dauphinais R. Seroprevalence
of HIV antibody in IV drug users and other patients in a Connecticut
hospital. V International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada, 1989. 2.
Rubinstien E, Madden G, Smith C, Lyons R. Improved survival,
from time of AIDS diagnosis, for intravenous drug users diagnosed in 1987. VI
International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, USA, 1990. 3.
Biczak L, Smith C, Rubinstien E, Lyons R. Bacterial endocarditis in
intravenous drug abusers with known HIV status. VI International Conference
on AIDS, San Francisco, California, USA, 1990. 4.
Skiest D, Rubinstien E, Gioiella L. HIV
infection in patients over 55 compared to a younger cohort. Second National
Conference on Human Retroviruses and Related Infections, Washington, DC, USA,
Member and Moderator, Steering Committee. HIV Symposium,
Greater Hartford Infectious Diseases Faculty, Hartford, CT, June, 1996. 2.
Member and Moderator, Steering Committee. HIV Symposium,
Greater Hartford Infectious Diseases Faculty, Rocky Hill, CT, June, 1997. 3.
Member, Steering Committee. HIV Symposium, Greater Hartford
Infectious Diseases Faculty, Rocky Hill, CT, June, 1998. AWARDS Excellence in
Teaching, Thomas R. Preston Award, University of Connecticut Internal
Medicine Residency Program, 1994-1995. MEDICAL JOURNALS Member, Editorial
Board, American Journal of Infection Control PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL
Infectious Disease Society (last updated August 17, 2024) |